(Guys, I had some
uploading issues with this post. It was meant to go up last week, but wouldn’t:
presumably I displeased the Internet God and this was His pale, sweaty
judgement. Anyway, here’s this one, and hopefully from here on out it’ll be
every second Thursday at 8pm Queensland time.)
Before I start, can I just say: wow. It's been six days
since I published my first post, and in that time its pageviews rocketed up
from one lost little view, up to seventy-five. Seventy-five people, reading
what I’d written. And not just from Australia: our ever-helpful Overlord, Google, tells me
a significant number of views came from America, and a small handful even
originated in Europe.
This mightn't sound like a huge deal, seeing as there are
websites out there that rack up millions of hits per day from all over the
world, but to a tiny wannabe like me just starting out: wow. And it feels truly
amazing to someone who’s greatest dream in life is to be read. So to everyone
who took a chance clicking on my last post: thank you, and I hope you enjoyed
it. I'd like to thank you more concretely, but until I can find a way to science
high-fives through the internet, words will have to do.
We're thinking maybe voodoo? |